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urban planning
Who we are
SERVODIO urban planning architecture operates mainly in the field of urban planning, with a multidisciplinary approach (architecture, agriculture, geology, sociology).
The guiding idea is to promote strategies and actions for the governance of the territory and local development, but also to design urban planning, landscape plans and complex urban programs and to evaluate their impacts (Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA - and Impact Assessment - VI - relating to SCI and SPA areas). In summary, we aim for a reality that operates in the field of architectural and urban design, spatial planning and territorial governance, urban policies, conservation and intervention on the built and natural heritage, the historical-critical interpretation of architecture, of the city and of the territory, carrying out design activities for the transformation, care and governance of historical and contemporary settlements and landscapes.
The aim is to propose projects rooted in the contexts and practices of living, inspired by principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
The staff used by SERVODIO urban planning architecture is made up of specialized personnel responsible for the urban planning, photographic and geometric survey phases and for computerized graphic rendering. External consultants and young professionals collaborate in the various analysis and design phases.
Luca Servodio
born in Benevento on 20 December 1985, he has always been interested and fascinated by the landscape and the world of territorial governance.
The polis is a family passion, but over time urban and regional planning have become a professional choice.
After graduating from the Technical Institute for Surveyors “L. Einaudi” of Cervinara, graduated in 2007 in Urban Planning and Territorial and Environmental Planning Sciences from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II”.
In 2010 he obtained a specialist degree in Territorial, Urban and Environmental Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples “Federico II”.
During the training course he found himself in close contact with authoritative teachers (the urban planner Attilio Belli, the architect Alessandro Dal Piaz, the architect and urban planner Francesco Domenico Moccia, the urban planner Fabrizio Mangoni di Santo Stefano and the architect Pasquale De Toro ) and with various industry professionals.
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